Manufacturing AUTOMATION

OnRobot launches VGC10 compact electric vacuum gripper

January 7, 2020
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

VGC10 Visual

OnRobot announces the VGC10 compact electric vacuum gripper, a smaller, lighter version of its VG10 electric vacuum gripper ideal for constrained environments and smaller robot arms.

The VGC10 offers the same payload of 15 kg (35 lb) as its sister gripper, with unlimited customization, changeable suction cup options and the ability to add or replace arms to fit highly specific application needs.

With this configurability, the VGC10 can grip and move a wide array of small, multi-dimensional and heavy objects even with a lighter-payload robot arm.

The VGC10 does not require a compressor or air supply and features two independently controlled air channels that allow it to act as a dual gripper with pick-up and release in the same action. The gripper can also be used with a single air channel for higher gripping performance. Fully integrated software through OnRobot’s new One System Solution platform makes it deployable on any major collaborative or light industrial robot arm for greater production flexibility.


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